I recently had the chance to spend time with Horst Schulze, co-founder of The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company. While preparing for our conversation, I asked my hospitality industry friends what they most wanted to know. Their top request? The story behind the iconic phrase: “Ladies and Gentlemen serving Ladies and Gentlemen.” I wanted to share Mr. Schulze’s insights with you here because I believe they can apply to you and your own hospitality business.

The Origin of “Ladies and Gentlemen serving Ladies and Gentlemen”’

At the age of 16, Horst Schulze was a young busboy at a hotel, and observed how his maitre d’ commanded respect through the way he worked and acted. Deeply impressed by this, he wrote an essay about it, titled “We are ladies and gentlemen serving ladies and gentlemen.”

The philosophy articulated in this essay would later become the bedrock of Ritz-Carlton’s service culture. The idea was that anyone, regardless of their role—be it a dishwasher or a manager—could define themselves as a “lady” or “gentleman” of excellence.

It was an invitation to not rely on labels from others but on one’s commitment to excellence.

Defining Excellence and Dignity in Service

Schulze believed that everyone has the power to define themselves, rather than letting society or circumstance dictate their worth. “If I am a dishwasher all my life, I can still define myself as an excellent gentleman,” he says.

This philosophy is revolutionary in a world where some still see service roles as subservient. It reframes service not as servitude but as an opportunity to demonstrate dignity, skill, and professionalism.

For hospitality leaders, this mindset shift is crucial. It leads to a work environment where every employee feels valued, respected, and empowered to excel in their role.

Why This Resonates in Hospitality

Schulze’s mantra taps into a fundamental human need: the desire for respect and recognition.

He notes that while trends and technologies reshape the industry, the essence of hospitality remains unchanged. Guests want to be treated with honor and respect, and employees who see themselves as ‘ladies and gentlemen’ are more likely to provide that level of service.

The power of this approach is that it creates a mutual sense of respect between staff and guests. When employees view themselves as professionals, their interactions with guests become more meaningful. This dignity-driven service mentality can differentiate a hotel and create an environment where both guests and staff thrive.

Building a Purpose-Driven Culture

Implementing this mantra in a hotel environment starts with hiring and training.

Schulze emphasizes ‘selecting people,’ not just hiring to fill roles. Leaders are responsible for cultivating an environment where employees can define both themselves and the organization. If staff members are underperforming, Schulze believes it reflects a leadership failure in selecting, orienting, or training them properly.

Creating a culture of excellence requires inviting employees to “join the dream” rather than simply performing a function. This approach provides a sense of belonging and purpose, which is crucial for job satisfaction and retention. It also sets high standards for performance, turning hospitality into a profession rather than just a job.

Practical Implementation: Reinforcing the Mantra

To integrate this philosophy into hotel operations, language and first interactions matter.

From the earliest stages of the selection process described above, employees should be introduced to the concept of being “ladies and gentlemen.” Schulze insists that the first point of contact with new hires sets the tone for their experience in the company. Using empowering language from the beginning helps create a strong, respectful workplace culture.

It doesn’t stop there. Hospitality leaders can continuously reinforce this mantra through training programs focusing on dignity, professionalism, and high service standards. Regularly reminding employees that their work is not just about serving but about instilling well-being in guests nurtures a sense of pride and ownership in their roles.

The Power of “Ladies and Gentlemen” Today

Schulze’s mantra has not only defined the service at Ritz-Carlton but has also become a gold standard in the hospitality industry. It transforms the guest experience by creating an environment and teams that operate with a sense of excellence and dignity.

For hotel managers and leaders, adopting this mindset can be a game-changer in attracting and retaining top talent, providing superior guest experiences, and building a successful brand. By fostering a workplace culture that empowers employees to see themselves as professionals, you can create an environment that elevates guest experiences and transforms your business.

This is more important than ever in our rapidly changing world. The timeless principle of respect and dignity remains the cornerstone of remarkable hospitality.

Josiah Mackenzie hosts the Hospitality Daily Podcast to help you stay informed and inspired each day by the most interesting people in hospitality. You can listen to more from Horst Schulze here.

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